Sunday, August 24, 2008

Saying goodbye to the CIMP guys~

Today Acap and I wake up at 7.30am (plan 6.30am) to follow Alep to KLIA. Little bit late going there as Alep told me that their flight delayed to 1.00pm..wah so terrible. Arrived there around 10.00pm and Razi, Jibah and Dila also there. Lots of picture snapped there with the brand new Dila's Sony Alpha300. I just holding the Cybershot w110 (so dengki actually). Well I got the chance to try her DSLR =). Credit to Dila.

[ before flying ]

[ acap | luqman ]

[ last greet ]

[ alep | haziq ]

[ acap | going to fly soon ]

[ me ]

[ alif redzuan ]

[ hasanul ]

[ the brand new alpha300 ]

[ geebah | dila ]

[ dila | the photographer ]

[ KLIA ]

[ KLIA ]

[ KLIA ]

[ KLIA ]


Anonymous said...

wow, smart gile gambar-gambarnya.. memang fotografer ke ni? jap, CIMP tu ape ek?

Hariz Zulkarnain said...

not yet a photographer.
cimp tu
canadian international matriculation programme. program foundation specific tuk further stdy kt canada. but nk apply u lain pn boleh via cimp =)

Anonymous said...

ouh.. hehehe... blaja lua negara la ni..